Monday, March 23, 2009

Lilly and the Willow

Under the willow she sat
Mourning with her guitar
A sad, sad song came through her lips
Followed by a tear… only one.

The breeze rustled through the willow
An icy chill filled Lily's heart
Brought the tune back to her song
And filled the hollowness inside

Childhood memories,
So bittersweet
Hurting, cold and alone
Lily stroked the cords, in pain they wept
Under the willow,
Lily found her home

The wind then came,
It was Lily's time
One with the wind,
She began to fly
A thousand pieces she split herself
Tiny shards unseen by the eye

Gone away, along a journey
With her guitar
Lily is a flying soul that all forgot
Except the willow who kept her song
Sang it alone, every night
Reminding itself of Lily's heart…


  1. Amazing poet (mitil il 3adi)
    2nd,I wanna congratulate u for getting ur 1st short story published (Big step). U must be proud

  2. Thank you Salim a lot!! I appreciate your comment, thnks for taking time to read this poem. It is inspired by one of my dearest friends...
    Hopefully the better is yet to come! : )
