Thursday, June 18, 2009

Introduction to Death and Rebirth

Death and Rebirth is an autobiography in verse. It has the different
stages I went through in my life. The poems basically speak of my
experiences throughout this journey we call life.

It begins with The Birth of a Poet, where my senses were
introduced to the world, where I found myself experiencing the
complexity of human emotions. Here I would like to ask the reader
the excuse the frailty of style in that chapter, for some of the poems
date back till 2004 where I was fifteen years old. I could have
edited them of course, But I decided to leave them in their chaos,
for they represent an era of innocence and pure spontaneity in my

Death of Innocence represents the time where I literally hit rock
bottom in my emotions, and you will find that very much
reflected, and here I would like to apologize, for some poems
might seem too dark, and too depressing. For at the time, if only
words would help me express, I was in that transitory state where
childhood was to be left behind, and I was left to face the cruelty of
a world to which I was unprepared.

Transitory Silence represents the time where I found myself inside
a bubble where I felt all my of my thoughts were dispersed. It was
a difficult phase, for it often brought drought for my pen, which is
every writer's fear. In that phase came deep reflection and reevaluation
of values and thoughts upon myself and the world. It
was a crucial phase that helped escape the depression that, I later
on learned, was self-inflicted.

Rebirth of Faith is what I can call the time I am going through right
now. Where there is strong belief in the world, in love, myself,
others and the human condition as a whole. I have become a
learned and experienced man.
The boy who once suffered, hurt and went through phases and
phases of depression now truly understands who he is, and he is
set on reaching what he believes is the ultimate goal of his
existence, which is to reach out to others, teach them of his
experience so that they would be inspired to improve theirs.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Poetry Book

Two years ago, I submitted a book to a website,, where I posted a poetry book that can be sold through a print-on demand method. Now, two years after I posted it, they send me an email telling me that the book would be available on!

And it brought me an idea. Currently I am working on the books, fixing it and editing it, in hopes of publishing it in Lebanon.

Point is, I am now listed in amazon! go check out the book! ^_^

Death and Rebirth - Ribal Haj

P.S : I know, the cover sucks!


Dans un monde sans vision
sans contacte physique,
sans sexualite
Tu es paru
Me manquer
me bouleverser

Ma croyance en une ame abstraite,
rend mon coeur le plus concret,
a le toucher,
et l'embrasser...

a S. A. le seul a m'encourage d'ecrire en francais... tu te connais! :)